Food Hygiene Training for All


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Our online food hygiene training is free, suitable for first line employees.  There is a test and certificate at the end of the course to demonstrate a basic understanding of Food Safety

                      English Flag  cropped iStock_000011657661XSmall.jpg      French flag cropped iStock_000013128136XSmall.jpg      German flag cropped iStock_000013118473XSmall.jpg


     Italian flag cropped iStock_000013142300XSmall.jpg      Spanish flag copped iStock_000013142564XSmall.jpg      Hungarian flag cropped iStock_000013732175XSmall.jpg    Portuguese flag cropped iStock_000013118784XSmall.jpg

A pass mark of 75% or above is required to pass the test and a certificate can then be purchased.

The certificate which states that the candidate has attained the pass mark of 75% is emailed. It can then be printed out.

The cost of certificates:

English                    GBP     4.50 + VAT

Other languages    Euros   4.75 + VAT

(French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish)


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Product Information

If you wish to obtain further information about any of our products please contact us:
Telephone: 0845 481 0526

Do You Have a Question?

If if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us by phone or email.

Phone: 0845 4810526


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